Renowned Malayalam actor Dileep Shankar was discovered dead in a hotel room in Thiruvananthapuram on Sunday morning. The actor, known for his roles in popular serials like Amma Ariyathe, Sundari, and Panchagni, had checked into the hotel two days prior.
Shankar reportedly arrived at the hotel on December 19. During his stay, he did not leave the room or engage with anyone outside. Concerned hotel staff entered his room after detecting a foul odor, which led to the discovery of his body.
The police have launched an investigation into the actor’s death. Authorities are examining the circumstances surrounding the incident, though no further details have been disclosed.
Dileep Shankar’s contributions to Malayalam television have left an indelible mark on the industry. Fans and colleagues are expressing shock and grief over the untimely demise of the beloved actor.
More updates are expected as the investigation progresses.
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