Following the successful evacuation of 41 workers from the Silkyara tunnel on Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi personally spoke with the rescued individuals over the phone. All 41 men, who were saved from the collapsed tunnel after 17 days, have been transported to the Community Health Centre in Chinyalisaur for initial medical care.
During his discussion with the workers, Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his joy that all the workers had been successfully evacuated.
“I have put my telephone on speaker so that the people sitting with me can also listen to you. First of all, I congratulate all of you and all your colleagues. You were able to come out in a happy state even after such a long wait, and it is a matter of great happiness for me. I can’t even describe it in words.”
“It was Kedarnath Baba’s and Badrinath Ji’s grace; you are all well. You also showed great courage, and you encouraged each other. This is the biggest thing because, even while travelling together in a rail compartment sometimes difference occur. Despite that, you remained so patient. I used to keep taking in information continuously. I was also in constant touch with the Chief Minister. When my officers would update me on the work, I used to be concerned as the rescue was taking time. It is due to the prayers of your families and friends that you have been able to win over this crisis” PM Modi added.
The workers shared their experience of inside the tunnel and later thanked the Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami for his constant support. The rescued workers also thanked the entire rescue team for their vigorous effort in bringing them out of the partially collapsed tunnel.
Medical examinations are currently underway for the 41 workers who were successfully rescued from the Silkyara Tunnel on Uttarkashi-Yamunotri Road at Chiniyalisaur Community Health Centre. Government sources indicate that all the workers admitted to the health center are receiving meals in accordance with doctors’ recommendations.
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