The Pune police commissioner stated that the Crime Branch has been assigned to investigate the charges against the restaurant that served alcohol to the boy and the minor’s father who provided him with the car. As per the Pune police, the minor suspect admitted that his father was aware of his alcohol consumption. Consequently, the father has been charged for permitting his underage son to drive the Porsche and consume alcohol.
“Upon inquiry, the minor has said his father had handed over the grey Porsche to him despite knowing that he had no driver’s training and did not have a driver’s licence. He has also said his father allowed him to party with his friends and that his father was aware that he was consuming alcohol,” states the FIR registered by Assistant Police Inspector Vishwanath Todkari at Yerwada Police Station.
According to sources, a team from the Crime Branch visited the minor boy’s school to collect documents verifying his age.
During their investigation of the Porsche accident in Pune, the police discovered that the boy had visited two restaurants with a group of approximately 10-12 friends on Saturday night. They were served various types of liquor, including vodka, whiskey, and beer, along with food at both establishments. The police have filed charges against the owners and managers of both restaurants for serving alcohol to minors.
The tragic accident involving the Porsche, driven by the minor boy without a vehicle registration plate, resulted in the loss of Aneesh Awadhiya and Ashwini Koshta, both 24-year-old software engineers from Madhya Pradesh.
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