As per the statement from the President’s Secretariat, President Droupadi Murmu is commencing a three-day visit to Odisha starting from Tuesday. The announcement made on Monday stated, “Smt. Droupadi Murmu, the President of India, will be visiting Odisha from July 25 to 27, 2023.”
It was announced that on Tuesday evening in Bhubaneshwar, President Murmu would meet with a group of medical students supported by the “Atut-Bandhan” family and lay the cornerstone for a new Raj Bhavan Odisha construction block.
The President will speak at the closing ceremony of the Orissa High Court’s 75th anniversary festivities on Wednesday in Cuttack, according the official announcement. On the same day, she will speak at the SCB Medical College and Hospital’s annual event and attend the National Law University of Odisha’s commencement in Cuttack.
On July 27, President Droupadi Murmu will meet with PVTGs (Potentially Vulnerable Tribal Groups) in Raj Bhawan in Odisha.
“On July 27, 2023, the President will interact with the members of PVTGs at Raj Bhavan Odisha. On the same day, she will launch this year’s theme of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya ‘The Year of Positive Change’ for conducting nationwide seminar and conferences and lay the foundation stone for its ‘Lighthouse Complex’ at Dasabatia, Tamando, Bhubaneswar”, read the statement.
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