Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a sharp aim at Opposition leaders. He criticised Samajwadi Party’s Akhilesh Yadav and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi while addressing a public rally in Uttar Pradesh’s Basti. Responding to their claim of securing 79 seats in the upcoming elections, PM Modi stated that the people of Uttar Pradesh would wake them from their sleep on June 4.
“Both the ‘Shehzadas’ of Congress and SP are spreading rumours that they will win 79 seats of UP. Earlier I used to hear that people used to daydream, but now I understand what it means to daydream. On June 4, the people of UP will wake them and then they will blame the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM),” PM Modi asserted.
The Prime Minister further launched a scathing attack on both the parties for their tactics that allegedly invoked fear amongst the people He particularly cited their remark, ‘Pakistan has an atom bomb,’ as a fear- mongering tactic. The Prime Minister wemt on to accuse them of creating unnecessary panic amidst the public and pressed that India, under his governance, would stand strong and resolute.
“Pakistan has been defeated, but its sympathizers like SP and Congress are now busy scaring India. These people say, to be afraid of Pakistan, as it has the atomic bomb. Why should India be afraid? Today, India does not have a weak Congress government, it has a strong Modi government, ‘Bharat Aaj Ghar me Ghuskar Maarta hai’ (India today enters homes and strikes),” PM Modi asserted.
PM Modi took the opportunity to highlight the significance of civic participation and encouraged the voters to exercise their franchise. He urged the citizens to not le go of the opportunity to contribute positively to the nation’s development.
“Whenever you get some virtuous work to do, should you lose that opportunity? If you don’t cast your vote, will you get the benefit? If 80 crore people are getting free rations, don’t they bless? But if you hadn’t voted, would that virtue be counted as yours? I am going to do such good works that those who will vote will get the benefit for sure,” he affirmed.
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Reflecting on the electoral process thus far, PM Modi also underscored the dominance of his government across the nation. He criticized the opposition’s inconsistency and lack of coherence, particularly the INDIA Alliance.
“Five phases of voting have been completed in the country, and these five phases have ensured the Modi government in the country. Look at the statement of the INDI Alliance, the entire INDI Alliance is in such a state of despair that now they do not even remember what they said two days ago and what they are saying today,” PM Modi remarked.
PM Modi, as his speech progressed, turned his attention to the controversial issue of the Ram Mandir that was constructed in Ayodhya. He took a dig at the opposition for their reported objections directed at the temple. He also expressed his disappointment with the politicization of a long-awaited national aspiration, emphasizing that Lord Ram holds a cultural significance for the people of the country.
“The nepotistic parties of the INDI alliance have crossed all limits of appeasement. Our country has been waiting for the Ram Mandir for 500 years, but these people have problems with the Ram Mandir and Ram,” PM Modi asserted.
PM Modi also highlighted the unity and reverence evoked by the forthcoming date of January 22, 2024, which coincides with the completion of the Ram Mandir construction.
“There are many people in this country who do not remember their son’s birthday, do not remember their wedding date, but every child in this country knows January 22, 2024. I say January 22 and the whole country says Jai Shri Ram,” PM Modi remarked.
Concluding his address, PM Modi reiterated his administration’s commitment to national development, encapsulating it in the mantra of “Ram to nation, heritage to development, spirituality to modernity.” He celebrated India’s ascendance as the fifth-largest economy globally, emphasizing its newfound stature and influence on the global stage.
“Today India has become the fifth largest economy in the world. Today India’s stature has increased, and respect has increased. When India now speaks on global platforms, the world listens. When India makes decisions, the world moves along,” PM Modi concluded, leaving the audience with a renewed sense of purpose and pride in the nation’s progress.
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