On Tuesday, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann issued appointment letters to 249 candidates across different departments. During this process, he took a dig at the previous administrations and questioned the former Punjab Chief Minister, Captain Amarinder Singh, about his leadership qualities, asking if he truly deserved the title of “captain.” Mann also mentioned the former Finance Minister, emphasizing that he had continuously claimed for nine years that the state’s treasury was devoid of funds.
Mann said, “The government should give hope to the people. I never said that the treasury was empty but I would definitely say that there were a lot of leakages in the treasury. Currently, the revenue of GST is huge and the treasury of Punjab is increasing in many ways.”
Discussing the present employment opportunities, he mentioned that the state had generated 36,097 job positions.
“The Prime Minister blames the AAP that it was distributing free sweets, but I want to ask him who gave a promise worth Rs 15 lakh,” he further said.
“But we are giving jobs to people so that the people can survive with respect,” he added.
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