In latest development in Swati Maliwal molestation case, on Monday posting on ‘X’, the AAP Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal, who accused Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal’s close aide, Bibhav Kumar for assaulting her wrote, “This FIR was lodged 8 years ago in 2016 after which both the CM and LG appointed me as the Chairperson of the Women’s Commission twice more. The case is completely fake on which the Hon’ble High Court has stayed for 1.5 years, who have accepted that no money transaction has taken place…According to them, until I filed a complaint against Bibhav Kumar, I was “Lady Singham” and today I have become a BJP agent?” In related news, a special investigation team (SIT) was formed on Monday to probe the Swati Maliwali assault case. The team will be headed under the supervision of Additional DCP (North) Anjitha Chepyala.”
This post by Maliwal comes after on 18th May, AAP leader Atishi claimed that Maliwal, is putting charges and maligning the name of Aam Aadmi Party under the influence of BJP. Atishi said that Maliwal is “blackmailed” by the BJP to become part of the “conspiracy” against the Delhi CM.
Maliwal in her post claimed that AAP left the entire pack of trollers against her because she chose to speak the truth. She also alleged that requests are being sent out to all party members to share any personal video of her to harm her reputation.
“Everyone in the party is being called and told to send Swati’s personal video if they have one, as it has to be leaked. They’re putting my relatives’ lives in danger by tweeting their details using their car numbers. Well, lies don’t last long. But in the intoxication of power and in the passion to bring someone down, it should not happen that when the truth comes out, you are not able to look even your family in the eye,” she wrote in her post.
“I will take you to court for every lie you spread!” the AAP MP added.
In the police FIR, she wrote that Bibhav Kumar slapped her seven-eight times and repeatedly kicked her in the chest and stomach on May 13.
Maliwal further claimed that the brutal assault by Kumar did not stop even after she mentioned that she was on her periods. After the assault, she claimed her arms were sore and she had difficulty walking.
Bibhav Kumar on 18th May was arrested by Delhi police over the alleged assault.
The police on 20th May then took Bibhav Kumar inside the CM’s residence to recreate the scenario of 13th May. Kumar was interrogated and around 20 people’s statements were recorded in connection with the case.
The investigators plan to take Kumar to Mumbai as they suspect he has dumped his phone data on another system before getting it formatted, the officer said. Kumar’s phone and the CCTV’s DVR were recovered from Kejriwal’s home and will be sent to the forensic laboratory for further examinations. Footage from eight CCTV cameras and DVRs were collected but some did not have videos of the incident, according to reports.
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