The Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) apprehended four individuals allegedly associated with the ISIS module in Aligarh, according to police sources on Saturday. The detainees include Rakib Imam Ansari, a 29-year-old BTech and MTech graduate from Aligarh Muslim University, Naved Siddiqui (23), pursuing a BSc from Aligarh Muslim University, Mohd Noman (27), a BA (Honours) graduate, and 23-year-old Mohd Nazim from Sambhal. The ATS seized banned ISIS literature, mobile phones, and pen drives from the suspects.
The individuals were purportedly connected to the banned terrorist organization ISIS, aiming to overthrow the elected government through “violent terror jihad” and establish ‘Sharia.’ The accused were distributing ISIS-related materials to like-minded individuals, mentally and physically preparing them for “terror jihad” through online platforms. Plans were underway to carry out a major action in the state and the country.
The release stated that all the accused met during meetings of the Students of Aligarh Muslim University, a students’ union, attempting to recruit new members for ISIS under its guise.
In a related incident on November 8, the UP ATS arrested Wajihuddin, a suspected terrorist affiliated with ISIS, under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) in Chhattisgarh’s Durg district. Wajihuddin, an active ISIS member pursuing a Ph.D. from AMU, was apprehended during a joint search operation by Supela police and UP ATS in Durg, Chhattisgarh.
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