Uttar Pradesh’s Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath, has issued directives to officials for relief efforts in districts affected by heavy rainfall, according to an official statement released on Tuesday. CM Yogi has also instructed officials to disburse relief funds to individuals impacted by the adverse weather conditions. In the statement, he emphasized the necessity for effective water drainage systems to address potential waterlogging issues and stressed the importance of continuous monitoring of river water levels.
Furthermore, CM Yogi has directed officials to assess the extent of crop damage caused by the heavy rains and ensure that farmers receive appropriate compensation.
Meanwhile, in the Moradabad district of Uttar Pradesh, farmers are distressed by the crop damage resulting from relentless rainfall. The Moradabad District Magistrate visited the affected fields and instructed officials to conduct a comprehensive damage assessment. To ensure fairness, District Magistrate Manvendra Singh stated that individuals omitted from the survey can submit applications for compensation, which will be processed within 72 hours.
In the state capital, Lucknow, persistent rain has led to significant waterlogging in various areas, causing problems in lower-lying parts of the Sadar district and road subsidence. The continuous downpour has also disrupted traffic in the city.
Also Read: Canadian PM Trudeau’s Aircraft Unrepaired, Backup Plane En Route to India
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