Ways To Protect Hair From Humidity

 When drying your hair, use a microfiber towel instead of a regular towel. Microfiber towels are gentler on the hair and can help reduce frizz caused by rough towel drying

Use  Microfiber Towel

Avoid Over washing

 Washing your hair too frequently can strip it of natural oils, making it more prone to frizz in humid conditions. Try to wash your hair only when necessary to maintain its natural oils and moisture balance

This too can further damage hair that is already prone to frizz in humid conditions. Try to limit the use of heat styling tools

Avoid Heat Styling

Cover your hair with a hat or scarf on particularly humid days to shield your hair from excessive moisture in the air

Protective Headwear

Use mild Shampoo and Conditioner

Select milder shampoo and conditioner  to keep you hair smooth and protected from moisture

Use Anti-Humidity Hair Products

Look for hair products specifically designed to combat humidity, such as anti-frizz serums, creams, or hairsprays. These products can help create a barrier to shield your hair from moisture in the air

Protective Hairstyles

Opt for hairstyles that can help protect your hair from humidity, such as braids, buns, or updos. These styles can help keep your hair contained and minimize exposure to humid air

Deep condition regularly

It can be highly beneficial if you are dealing with frizz in humid conditions, and it is a great way to protect hai from humidity