Here are 

the key roles & responsibilities 


The Speaker is the principal spokesman of the house, and his decision in all parliamentary matters is final

01. Head of the Lok Sabha and its respresentatives

The Speaker only casts a vote to break a tie during a voting procedure in the House, ensuring impartiality

02. Casting Vote

In the absence of a quorum, the Speaker adjourns the House or suspends meetings until the quorum is met

03. Quorum Maintenance

The Speaker decides the agenda for discussions in meetings of the Members of Parliament.

04. Agenda Setting

The Speaker ensures discipline in the House and can punish MPs for unruly behavior, including naming members who flout orders

05. Discipline Enforcement

The Speaker can disqualify members of Parliament on grounds of defection under the tenth schedule of the constitution

06. Disqualification Powers

The Speaker permits various parliamentary procedures, including motions of adjournment, no confidence, and censure

07. Parliamentary Procedures

The Speaker presides over joint sittings of both Houses of Parliament

08. Joint Sittings

The Speaker grants recognition to the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha

09. Leader of Opposition

The Speaker appoints the chairmen of all parliamentary committees in the Lok Sabha and supervises their functioning.

10. Committee Appointments