World's Top 7 Most Expensive Food That Might Cost You A Bitcoin.

Saffron Often referred to as "red gold," which can range from $5,000 to $10,000 per pound.

White Truffles These rare fungi, found in the forests of Italy and France which can sell for up to $4,000 per pound.

Almas Caviar An  extremely rare caviar comes from the eggs of the albino beluga sturgeon, found in the Caspian Sea and ranges upto $34,500 per kilogram

Bluefin Tuna   The fish is prized for its rich, fatty meat, particularly the otoro (belly) cut and can cost upto  $3,000 per kilogram.

Kopi Luwak Coffee   This unique coffee is made from beans that have been eaten and excreted by the Asian palm civet and costs upto $1,500 per kilogram.

Matsutake Mushrooms  These rare mushrooms are found in Japan, China and Korea. They have a distinctive spicy-aromatic odor pricing up to  $2,000 per kilogram.

Wagyu Beef (Kobe Beef)   This Japanese beef where cows are often massaged and fed a special diet, pricing up to $500 per kilogram