After Criticisms on His Poor Debate Performance, Joe Biden Persists To Fight

Rejecting calls to quit his 2024 US presidential candidacy, Biden vows to fight in front of Raleigh crowd

After Biden’s performance in the June 27 US presidential debate, whole Democrat party administration were in distress. Not only the viewers, but Biden’s party members themselves drew criticism over his age.

But with a fiery response at the criticisms Joe Biden on Friday claps back and assures his supporters that he will win the elections in November.

After a poor debate performance that triggered doubts on his candidacy he said the rally that, “I know I’m not a young man, to state the obvious, I don’t walk as easy as I used to… I don’t debate as well as I used to,” he acknowledged. “But I know what I do know, I know how to tell the truth [and] I know how to do this job.”

His conviction was so fierce that the cheering crowd in Raleigh started chanting “four more years”.

Although concerns about Mr. Biden’s age are not new, some Democrats became alarmed after his unsteady performance in the debate, which included verbal blanks, a raspy voice, and some hard to understand responses, and they began to wonder about his campaign.
The message from Mr. Biden’s campaign has not wavered: the nation’s oldest presidential candidate is still qualified to run for office again. Despite the dismal showing, campaign organizers stated he would not withdraw for a different candidate.

A Biden campaign spokesperson, Mia Ehrenberg, responded, “Absolutely not,” when asked if Mr. Biden would withdraw his candidacy.
Even though a number of campaign surrogates, such as Vice President Kamala Harris, acknowledged in interviews that the president faltered during the debate, they reaffirmed their support for the wise old man and emphasized that his responses were more insightful than those of Mr. Trump.