A tragic incident unfolded aboard an Air France flight from Paris to Boston on Tuesday, as a passenger passed away mid-flight despite life-saving efforts by a doctor on board. The flight, AF334, was en route from Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport to Boston Logan International Airport when the passenger fell critically ill.
The airline confirmed the unfortunate event to NBC Boston, stating that the individual, whose identity has not been disclosed, began to experience medical distress during the flight. Despite the immediate intervention of a doctor on board and other crew members’ assistance, the passenger could not be saved.
The flight landed at Boston Logan slightly behind schedule, about 16 minutes later than expected, at approximately 5 p.m. Emergency crews were waiting at the airport to meet the plane. However, despite their swift response, the passenger’s condition could not be stabilized.
An Air France passenger fell ill mid-flight and couldn’t be saved despite life-saving efforts by an onboard doctor.
Flight AF334 from Paris to Boston landed with fire crews meeting the plane. Massachusetts State… pic.twitter.com/jy4paFaASO
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) January 15, 2025
Air France emphasized that its crew is well-trained to handle medical emergencies and that the doctor aboard the flight did everything possible to assist. “Air France reminds that its crew members are regularly trained to handle these kinds of situations,” the airline said in a statement.
The Massachusetts State Police have classified the incident as an “unattended death” and are withholding the identity of the passenger while they notify the family. Authorities are also conducting a detailed investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death.
This incident has raised questions about medical emergencies during long-haul flights and the critical role of on-board medical personnel in such situations. Air France has yet to release further details regarding the total number of passengers or the condition of the deceased passenger.
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