Bangladesh has summoned in emergency two key High Commission officials amid the rising tensions. The recall comes after an attack on the Bangladesh Assistant High Commission in Agartala, India, and protests outside the Deputy High Commission in Kolkata, West Bengal.
According to sources, Acting Deputy High Commissioner Shikder Md. Ashrafur Rahman and Assistant High Commissioner of Tripura Arifur Rahman received orders from at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to return to Dhaka immediately. This came as a result of Tuesday’s order, and the diplomats quickly returned to Dhaka.
Shikder Md. Ashrafur Rahman, who lives in Kolkata, reached Dhaka this morning. Upon his return, he met Foreign Adviser Touhid Hossain in the afternoon. He discussed the situation that is now changing in Kolkata and its diplomatic impact.
Context of the Incident
The attack on Bangladesh Assistant High Commission in Agartala and protests in Kolkata have raised concerns over the safety and security of Bangladeshi diplomats in India. The incidents have not only strained diplomatic ties between the two countries but necessitated immediate action from the part of the Bangladeshi government to ensure security for its officials and go there to assess the prevailing situation.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will closely monitor the developments and be expected to engage with the authorities of India to address these issues. The further decisions on the status of the diplomatic missions in the affected areas will be taken on the basis of assessment made by the recalled officials.
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