All four Indian nationals accused in the murder of Khalistani terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar have been released on bail by a Canadian court, according to sources on Thursday. Nijjar, 45, was fatally shot outside the Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara in Surrey, British Columbia, on June 18, 2023. He had been a wanted figure in India for multiple terrorism-related charges.
The Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT) had apprehended four suspects—Karan Brar (22), Kamalpreet Singh (22), Amardeep Singh (22), and Karanpreet Singh (28)—in connection with Nijjar’s assassination.
Tensions between India and Canada escalated significantly after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau alleged in September last year that there was a “possible” link between Indian government agents and Nijjar’s killing. India categorically rejected Trudeau’s claims, calling them “absurd” and “politically motivated.”